CANdo CAN Bus Analyser Netronics Ltd.

The CANdo SDK (Software Development Kit) is designed to provide a quick & easy way of integrating the CANdo Interface into any Windows or Linux based program. Example projects are provided written in C, C++, C#, VB, Delphi & Python.

CANdo Windows SDK Diagram On Windows, the CANdo SDK consists of the two DLLs, CANdo.dll & CANdoUSB.dll. The CANdo.dll contains the high level CAN API functions used to control the CANdo Interface. The CANdo.dll communicates with CANdoUSB.dll, which in turn communicates with the CANdo Interface through the USB driver.

Both 32 & 64 bit variants of the DLLs are provided, to allow 32 & 64 bit variants of programs based on the SDK to be compiled & distributed.

An installer (SetupAPI.exe) is provided within the SDK, that installs the minimum number of files needed (CANdo driver plus the two DLLs) to allow a program based on the SDK to communicate with the CANdo Interface devices. This installer maybe called from within another installer, in silent mode, to create a single application installer.
On Linux, the CANdo SDK consists of two shared libraries, & The library contains the high level CAN API functions used to control the CANdo Interface. The library communicates with the USB driver library, which in turn communicates with the CANdo Interface.

Only the library is provided within the SDK, the library is a standard USB driver library that is included with most Linux distributions.
CANdo Linux SDK Diagram
  CANdo SDK Examples
The CANdo SDK examples are intended as a starting point, to assist in developing custom applications that interface with a CAN bus. The examples are provided in a number of common programming languages.
C Example
C Example
C# Example
C# Example
Visual C++ Example
Visual C++ Example
Delphi Example C++Builder Example
Delphi & C++Builder Examples
Visual C++ Example
Python Example
  CANdo Demonstrations
There are a couple of demonstration programs available for download that are complete applications written using the CANdo SDK. These programs demonstrate some of the abilities of the CANdo Interface & it's possible uses. The programs are supplied with complete source code & are provided as a resource or as a possible starting point for writing custom applications.
CANdo Demo. - Transfer Test
  Transfer Test
This demo. illustrates the high speed transfer of data across the CAN bus from one transmitting CANdo to another receiving CANdo. The order of the CAN frames & the integrity of the data is checked at the receiving end to show the reliability of the CANdo Interface in both transmit & receive modes.

Typically this demo. may be used as a starting point for an application used to configure devices over the CAN bus or to download software to a CAN bus device.

This demo. is written in Delphi Pascal.
CANdo Demo. - CANdo OBD
This demo. is a simple vehicle OBD (On Board Diagnostics) program that communicates with a CAN bus equipped vehicle & displays some basic diagnostic information. The program communicates with the vehicle according to the ISO 15765 & ISO 15031 (SAE J1979) protocols.

The program displays some common real time engine/vehicle parameters, as well as fault codes & vehicle info.

This demo. is written in Visual C#.

For further infomation please visit the 'CANdo OBD' page.

Notes :
  1. The CANdo SDK is available as a FREE download from the 'Download' page
  2. The CANdo Demonstrations are available as a FREE download from the 'Download' page
CANdo Interface  :  CANdoISO Interface  :  CANdoISO Module  :  CANdo AUTO Module  :  CANdo Application
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