CANdoISO Interface (P/N NET50005)

CANdoISO is a compact isolated USB to CAN interface, that allows a PC to be connected directly to an embedded CAN bus.
In conjunction with the FREE CANdo Application software, CANdoISO provides a simple, yet powerful means of testing & analysing a CAN network.
The FREE CANdo SDK allows CANdoISO to be easily integrated into any Windows based program.
The USB & CAN ports are separated by a 500V rated isolation barrier.
This isolation barrier prevents any harmful ground currents flowing in cases where there is, or maybe, a difference in the ground potential between the PC & the CAN bus.
The CANdoISO Interface is fully software compatible with the CANdo Interface, but offers improved performance in terms of throughput.
CANdoISO Interface Outline Specification
- Fully compliant with the CAN 2.0A & CAN 2.0B Bosch specifications
- ISO 11898-2 (High speed CAN) physical interface
- 500V galvanic isolation barrier
- Rugged CAN transceiver capable of withstanding 40V between CAN bus lines & ground
- CAN baud rate adjustable from 12.5k to 1M baud
- Recognises CAN data, remote & error frames
- All CAN frames timestamped
- 25.6us resolution
- 20ms + 100ppm accuracy
- Reports CAN bus status & internal status
- Calculates average CAN bus load every second
- 3 modes of CAN bus operation - normal, listen only & loopback
- Supports low level CAN message filtering
- Fully compatible with higher level protocols such as J1939, DeviceNet & CANopen
- USB v1.1, 2.0 & 3.0 compatible
- Powered via the USB port
- 100mA max. in normal mode
- 500uA max. in suspend mode
- Internal firmware upgradeable from PC over USB
- Complies with the requirements of the EU Directive 2014/30/EU on EMC
- RoHS compliant
- FREE CANdo Application software
CANdoISO Interface Block Diagram
CANdoISO Interface CAN Connector
The CANdoISO CAN bus connector is an industry standard DB9 male, as recommended by the CiA (CAN in Automation).
The pinouts for the connector are shown in the picture below.
Click on the link below to download the CANdoISO Interface datasheet.
CANdoISO Datasheet
Notes :
- The CANdoISO Interface contains no internal CAN bus termination
- The CAN bus must be terminated at either end with a 120 Ohm resistor, although a single 120 Ohm resistor will suffice for short cable lengths (< 2m)
- For long CAN networks (>10m) & in noisy environments the use of screened, twisted pair wire is recommended
- The CAN bus ground is electrically isolated from the USB ground
- Windows CE drivers are available on request
Customised versions of the CANdoISO Interface are available upon request.
Please use the 'Support' page to request further information about this service & the different options available.
An MOQ of 20 off generally applies to all custom orders.
v2.0 |
v3.4 |
22/10/24 |
v3.0 & 3.1 |
v4.1 |
08/11/24 |
Note : All product versions are fully backwardly compatible.
If you would like to update your device with the latest software, please send a request via the 'Support' page.